Vintage Tennis Racquet

Wilson T2000 Tennis Racquet
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The first varsity letter I won was playing tennis. Well, actually, I was on the tennis team and played enough to be given a letter. My favorite tennis racquet was the Wilson T2000 with oil-filled nylon strings. It was the...
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Wilson Jack Kramer Tennis Racquet
There are so many beautiful tennis racquets, pre-graphite introduction, made from laminated wood. As a kid growing up in Algonac, Michigan, I wished I could have owned anyone of these. Eventually, I was able to save up and buy the...
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TAD Davis Cup Classic Tennis Racquet
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The TAD Davis Classic tennis racquet was probably the most elegant racquet I'd ever seen. I wanted one from the very first time I saw Jorge, one of my tennis teammates in high school, play with it. Simply beautiful. It...
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