
Cherry Tootsie Pop
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As a kid growing up in Algonac, Michigan, we use to hop on our bikes and ride along M29 searching for pop and beer bottles people had thrown from their car windows. I guess there weren’t littering laws back then,...
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Roy Rogers Pocket Knife
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This was another one of those cool birthday gifts I got as a kid. I, actually, think it was a promotional tchotchke sent to my Dad when he worked at Willey Sign Company in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. He gave me...
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1970’s Vintage Squirt Gun
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I remember playing in the basement of my Grandma and Grandpa Carter’s house in Royal Oak, Michigan when we were kids. One of the things they had in the basement was a play box, filled with odds and ends for...
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Cheap Metal Compass
One of my first real drawing tools was a cheap, stamped steel compass that was made in Taiwan and sold at W.T. Grants. Grants was the only store in Algonac where you could buy everything from your first baseball glove...
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Flexible Flyer Sled
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Growing up in Algonac, Michigan, you either got skates or hockey stuff for Christmas. Unless you were part of a big family, then you got a group present. I'm not really sure how we ended up with the sled, but...
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Marshmallow No.2
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The weekend before my show came down at the Fig Tree Gallery, I was at our neighbor's house for a little party. I was talking with a few people about how amazing it was to have a one-man show and...
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TAD Davis Cup Classic Tennis Racquet
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The TAD Davis Classic tennis racquet was probably the most elegant racquet I'd ever seen. I wanted one from the very first time I saw Jorge, one of my tennis teammates in high school, play with it. Simply beautiful. It...
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Attacking Martian Robot No.1
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This was my first attempt at drawing my silver, 50’s Horikawa Attacking Martian Robot. The problem was that my drawing was too large for my drafting table. When I finished and hung the drawing on my wall, I realized I...
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Marshmallow No.1
At the end of every Club Apache BBQ, the Dads would build a small bonfire by the water and all of the kids would gather to roast marshmallows. The easiest way to do this was to use a bent clothes...
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